KSCGA Business Supporters

We thank the following businesses for their support of KSCGA’s work strengthening grower networks and production capacities.

Some Business Supporters offer KSCGA member discounts for purchases and services. We’ll provide codes for discounts to our current (up-to-date on annual membership payment) members. Contact info@kscga.org to inquire about your membership status and to get purchase discount codes.

To join or renew your KSCGA membership, please go to our Membership page at www.kscga.org/membership.

Look for more Business Supporters and KSCGA member discounts on purchases and services in 2025.


Johnny’s Selected Seeds has been dedicated to providing quality seeds, tools, supplies, and support for growers and communities for 49 years. Current KSCGA members receive a 5% discount on purchases—which can add up in savings when you purchase needed supplies, tools, equipment, and more. For more on Johnny’s Seeds, including access to their extensive online growers resource library, please visit www.johnnyseeds.com.


Cromwell Solar, a division of Cromwell Environmental, offers free consultation in preliminary design and cost/benefit outlays for implementing solar energy systems for your home and growing/production operations. Since 1982, Cromwell’s Solar has designed and installed solar arrays for a wide variety of residential and commercial properties across Kansas—and is now responsible for 75% of private solar in use in the state. Cromwell’s initial consultation will include preliminary design and scale considerations for your needs, a summary of costs and credits toward covering installation, and projected savings in energy costs over time. More at: www.cromwellsolar.com—and download their informational brochure for prospective clients.


In these days when many growers are branching into online marketing and sales, a little help in tech-oriented ventures can go a long way in building your business. Grapevine Local Food Marketing serves farmers, markets, food councils, and local food initiatives with website design, Google marketing, email automations, SMS marketing, advertising, graphic design, and more. KSCGA members can take advantage of the 5% discount on website design by getting in touch via their website at https://www.grapevinelocalmarketing.com.


Equal Exchange offers premium coffees, chocolates, teas, and more—all from direct relationships with collective grower networks around the world. Everything is grown locally somewhere—and Equal Exchange reflects Kansas Specialty Crop Association’s efforts to ensure sustaining relationships between growers and consumers. Make sure growers are supported, no matter how far away they might be, in your home coffee drinking and serving in your on-site venues. Find out more about their vision and products at: https://shop.equalexchange.coop.