Update Your Profile Information for Directory
Please go through information below, and…
Complete a Profile Update Form:
KSCGA Grower/Market Directory is a grower-driven platform to support Kansas specialty crop growers and markets. No direct vendor marketing or soliciting permitted. Please report suspicious and/or direct marketing to KSCGA.
Completing Your Profile Update Form:
The first item on the form, “Select the farm or business you are providing information about,” will take you to a pick-list of the growers we have in the Directory system. If you have previously submitted a KSCGA membership form or other registration forms with information on the Crops you grow, you should be in the system—presented in the way you entered the name of your farm, market, household, etc. on the previous membership forms, etc. you submitted. The search function on this is very dymanic—you can scroll down the lengthy pick-list OR enter any word that is in your farm, etc. name. For example: If you are Jerry Jackson’s Rutabaga Acres, you could type in Jerry…Jackson…or Rutabaga—making it simple to find your account. If you don’t have a farm/business name associated with your account, type in your name—and, again, you should show up.
Follow the prompts and complete the form.
Note: Only those accounts with the Crops data field populated are in the Directory system—so if we don’t have any Crops you grow, you may not be in the Directory. For markets, stores, schools, etc. that are not involved in growing, simply put something in the Crops field in the Form—as general as vegetables, greens, fruit, or “any local-grown produce” would suffice. That will get you in the Directory search fields—and growers can find you through the Sales (“Selling”) search field. We, again, are working on streamlining the search structure to include a more direct open search question related to whether you are looking for product or looking for a market/distribution point for your product.
If you do not have an account in the directory system (not showing up in a search for your operations), follow the instructions noted to enter your name (Last Name, First Name). This will set up a new account in our system. (Note: If it turns out you are in the system under another name of business, etc., the form you fill out will be linked to that account through email address and/or other identifiers.
Follow the prompts and complete the form.